Learning Center
Unique Internship Program
Unique Internship Program
We are launching out a worldwide invitation to all universities of the world to take part in our internship for co-operation. Current members joining us are from famous universities in America, Europe, Australia and Middle East. We are one of the founders in financial internship in Hong Kong with particulars as followings:
- The only internship in Hong Kong that is an integral part of American degree course where students from famous business colleges must have to gone through before getting their degree, a different level from those extra-curriculum or after-class activities.
- While the whole world is going to America to learn finance, now American native students in turn come to Hong Kong to learn from this program. This is unique.
- We supply 8-week and 6-week internship, also provide help of working visa application for interns, while we also run short term internship of 1 to 2 weeks.
- Our aim is not to just to train skillful workers for the industry, but to nourish stars of tomorrow for the society.
For contents of internship, please click The Impossible Dream.
Agents are also welcome. Please phone (852)91095413 to Mr Yue or email to Daniel.yue@sincerehk.com
亦歡迎代理機構查詢,請電(852)91095413余先生洽或發電郵至 Daniel.yue@sincerehk.com