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Contract Loco-London Gold
Contract multiplier 100 ounces
Highest number per lot 3000 ounces (30 lot)
Lowest number 10 ounces (0.1 lot)
Transaction hour Open on Monday
at 7:00am (Summer time and Winter time)
Tuesday through Thursday
Stay overnight at 5:00am and open at 6:00am on the following morning (Summer time)
Stay overnight at 6:00am and open at 7:00am on the following morning (Winter time)
Close on Friday
4:50am on the following morning (Summer time)
5:50am on the following morning (Winter time)
**Trading hours on public holidays shall be instructed by the company.
Minimum margin requirement 2% of Initial Margin for day-trade
2% of Initial Margin for overnight
2% of Initial Margin for Friday and holiday overnight
Price limit US$3 away from spot price
Contract Hong Kong Gold
Contract multiplier 100 tael troy
Highest number per lot 3000 tael troy (30 lot)
Lowest number 10 tael troy (0.1 lot)
Transaction hour Open on Monday
at 7:00am (Summer time and Winter time)
Tuesday through Thursday
Stay overnight at 5:00am, open at 6:00am on the following morning (Summer time)
Stay overnight at 6:00am, open at 7:00am on the following morning (Winter time)
Close on Friday
4:50am on the following morning (Summer time)
5:50am on the following morning (Winter time)
*Trading hours on public holidays shall be instructed by the company.
Minimum margin requirement 2% of Initial Margin for day-trade
2% of Initial Margin for overnight
2% of Initial Margin for Friday and holiday overnight
Price limit HK$20 away from spot price
Custodian fee on Overnight open position HK$20 / per day(100 tael troy)
Contract Loco London Silver
Contract multiplier 2500 ounces
Highest number per lot 75000 ounces (30 lot)
Lowest number 250 ounces (0.1 lot)
Transaction hour Open on Monday at 7:00am (Summer time and Winter time)
Tuesday through Thursday
Stay overnight at 5:00am, open at 6:00am on the following morning (Summer time)
Stay overnight at 6:00am, open at 7:00am on the following morning (Winter time)
Close on Friday
4:50am on the following morning (Summer time)
5:50am on the following morning(Winter time)
*Trading hours on public holidays shall be instructed by the company.
Minimum margin requirement 2% of Initial Margin for day-trade
2% of Initial Margin for overnight
2% of Initial Margin for Friday and holiday overnight
Price limit US 25 cents or above
Contract RMB Kilobar Gold Contract
Contract multiplier 1000 grams
Highest number per lot 30,000 grams (30 lot)
Lowest number 500 grams (0.5 lot)
Transaction hour Open on Monday
at 7:00am (Summer time and Winter time)
Tuesday through Thursday
Stay overnight at 5:00am, open at 6:00am on the following morning (Summer time)
Stay overnight at 6:00am, open at 7:00am on the following morning (Winter time)
Close on Friday
4:50am the following morning (Summer time) 5:50am the following morning (Winter time)
*Trading hours on public holidays shall be instructed by the company.
Minimum margin requirement 2% of Initial Margin for day-trade
2% of Initial Margin for overnight
2% of Initial Margin for Friday night
Price limit RMB 8 cents away from spot price